


Information broadcasting through social media ! Due to high demand of information broadcast it leads to activate the social media campaign.


Facebook, Line, Twitter, Instagram etc are the top popular social media outlet most used and flooded with the crowd of younger generation through web based and mobile technology.

These Social Networking Services can be utilised to promote and advertise about your brand and product information at free of cost. The benifit of reaching your targeted customer/market with no investment is real. On the other hand customer who trusted on your product voluntarily joins or follows you or may contact you for business. At the same time your product news is spread farther within his network or publicly which in turn can reach to number of people in a short period.

Social media gives an ability to share information such as blog posts, tips and ideas with no limitations and you can get a detail data analysis regarding how many customer likes your product/business or follows your product etc instantly. 

If you plan to outsource your business or if you have any query regarding social network services configuration or data analysis information etc we are extremely grateful to assist you.

21 million people uses Facebook in Japan !

Out of 1,310,000,000 (One billion three hundred ten million) users of Facebook in the world 21,000,000 (Twenty one million) users belongs from Japan.

Out of the total Japanese population of 100,000,000 (One hundred million), 27,000,000(Twenty seven million) people uses the social network services. Including Facebook a single person uses SNS 6 minutes a day.

SNS can be used as a Communication tool with Customers

The social media acts as a tool for Marketing communication in which customers interact by sharing ideas, feedbacks, let you know about their interest etc as a comment. Social media can be utilised to generate opinions on the existing and future products.

It is also a popular means of keeping in touch with your customers and its easy to promote new and outstanding offers.
