
Web system development

Designing the website consciously attracts customers

It doesn’t matters how good the content is, without any visitors to browse the homepage.

On other hand, it results in wastage of time, investment and resources.

An effective website should have an ability to possess about its corporate information and services among various communities. It should reflect your company in such a way that the user feels he visited your company and it should also attract new visitors.

divergent designs the website with a consciousness on how to attract the customers. We provide the creative ideas and other perspectives with the relevant and consistent content so as to attract and retain the visitors with an intention of changing or enhancing customer behaviour.

Website design to Increase Sales

It is hard to understand the contents of the website unless it demonstrates its goal with a related and user-friendly content. Even though the users visits the site they are interrupted due to an unwanted burden.

Originally the website must be goal oriented. For example, an online selling website should provide the documents requesting to get the goods to the user, and then to buy the goods.

Divergent designs the website with the concept of consciousness ”How Many Users Leads To The Goal.”

Platform independent site using HTML5+CSS3

Due to the emerging demand of users, manufacturing variety of devices for multiple use has become popular in recent years.

Now a days there is no limitations for the user to browse or navigate only through the personal computers. Users can browse the websites from multiple devices such as iPhone, smart phones, android terminals, tablets, iPads, laptops etc.

Under such circumstances, the website should be user-friendly and compatible to all those devices irrespective of their architecture and technology. In divergent, we design the user friendly website based on the latest technology to make it compatible with multiple devices using HTML5 and CSS3.

Collaboration with Social media

Social media such as Facebook, twitter etc. has been heavily utilised in corporations to perform a public relation activities. With our special marketing strategy we provide your website to gain website traffic through social media.

divergent helps to collaborate the website and social media pages to execute the production through social media site itself such as Facebook. We assist you to create a path connecting users and companies.

Development of Web System infrastructure

divergent proposes a variety of commercial sites designs including the development of CMS (Content Management System), Shopping cart system for EC sites (Electronic Commerce Sites) and various search sites to suit the applications.

We work to develop user friendly system with consciousness of customer. “To become adaptive to the system, we tailor our system for our customers.”
